A silent film viewer's response to Clara Bow is immediate and emotional. She, more than any other performer of the silent era, represents raw emotion. There is joy in her presence. She is young, healthy and full of fun, and really, really pretty. She has magical star quality. Clara makes me happy.

Was she a good actress? She was great, but it is her electric presence that grabs you. She was the essence of the flapper. According to Wikipedia,
That was Clara, but that was not all that she was.“the term flappers in the 1920s referred to a "new breed" of young Western women who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their disdain for what was then considered acceptable behavior. Flappers were seen as brash for wearing excessive makeup, drinking, treating sex in a casual manner, smoking, driving automobiles and otherwise flouting social and sexual norms.”
Across the decades, Clara continues to cast a spell. She is the best girlfriend, the sexy sweetheart, the seductive minx. She is a regular person from Brooklyn. Even though Clara is gorgeous, we believe she is real, just like you and I, only more vibrant and vivacious. She has the qualities of the great ones who are set apart from the rest. There is a generosity in her spirit that translates to film. She wants to have fun. What makes Clara oh-so-special is that she wants you to have fun, too.
Clara was the original "It Girl," a term that is still with us today and one that is associated with sex appeal. She is excessively pretty and sexy, especially in sad photos, but I like to see her happy. Of course, the sadness of her life is legend and we don't have to dwell on all that. The sad Clara is gone, but the young, peppy flapper is still with us. Clara's biography, "Running Wild" by David Stenn, tells all and it is a harrowing story much more dramatic than any film she ever made. I prefer to watch Clara on the screen where she is forever young, pretty and happy.
Let Clara's face speak for itself:
Let Clara's face speak for itself:

Thank you soooooo much for this PAGE!!! Wonderful Clips of Clara Bow!! For me, SHE IS IT!!! Kudos, Kudos, KUDOS!!
She is one of a kind. Her life story is so rich, I wish a movie could be made. But - who would play her?
Clara, I want you to be happy too!
Christine Aguilera would make a great Clara Bow!
Christine Aquilera? I can see it! Good suggestion.
the way you write is so beautiful... and makes me want to know more about the stars you write about
Well said!
Thanks for writing about Clara Bow. I'm a new and forever Clara Bow fan. Who would play her on screen. Oh my.
I'd have to think about that one.
Beautiful actress and woman. I have read about her life. As a child and after retiring from the movie scene, she had a hard life. Especially with the kind of parents she had. Love ya Clara. I hope you have found light and happiness in heaven.
What a doll. I remember seeing "IT" for the first time when I was 14 on TV and loved it... Love film, silents and Clars.. she is adorable and always an inspiration!
Many, many thanks for your beautiful article. (Over a decade late, but still!)
Here in Ireland we are having a special showing of 'It' on June 15 and I have 'borrowed' a paragraph from you for an accompanying piece - with full credit to both you and the blog, of course!
I am currently enjoying going through your archive and enjoying it very much! It's always so great to come across genuine enthusiasts.
Greetings and warm regards from
Charley Brady
Silent Cinema Galway.
Wow! Thanks for taking a look and finding this article about the adorable Clara. I'm sure "It" will be a success with your audience - how could it not? Have you read David Stenn's bio of Clara - "Runnin' Wild"? It is truly excellent and you will leave it feeling nothing but admiration and affection for such a brave lady. I have read that the book has been purchased for a film, but it's been a long time since that news came out. And besides, who on earth could portray her. Good luck with your showing and many thanks for the kind words.
Great to hear from you, FlickChick! Yes, I have indeed read Mr. Stenn's bio and agree with you. I mention it (and your terrific website) in a couple of articles I did recently on Ms. Bow for 'Silent Times', which is the blog side of our cinema website and which can be reached at silentcinema.ie
There is a thriving film community and scene here in the west of Ireland and I've taken the liberty of putting your name out there. Silent movies of course are not for everyone, but there are certainly some that will be interested; and I wish I had thought of this before - I rather like the idea of being hooked up to a global 'silent era community'.
In the near-two years that we've been in existence we have been astonished at what a diverse group of regulars we've attracted. And I'm really pleased to say that on July 1st we will be getting suited and booted and heading for Dublin where we have been shortlisted for the 'Unique Cinematic Experience' section of the Irish Hospitality Awards.
'It' was already scheduled for tomorrow night (in conjunction with the wonderful Cinephile Paradiso group) but it got an unexpected and added impetus by her mention on the Taylor Swift album, so I like to think that Clara is about to greet a whole new generation of admirers!
We have a discussion afterwards and tomorrow night we'll raise an extra glass of wine to...FlickChick, for all her info on Ms. Bow.
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